John Passafiume & Kristin ViningWe are John Passafiume, NYC-based choreographer, and Kristin Vining, composer with roots in the Pacific Northwest. We have worked together for 16 years at Summer Dance Lab, an intensive dance program in Walla Walla, WA. John is the director of SDL and teaches modern dance for the program. Kristin composes and plays piano for John’s modern class. John’s choreography and Kristin’s music reflect each other in a uniquely beautiful way.
We are joining forces to bring Oscar Wilde’s spectacular fairy tale, “The Fisherman & His Soul,” to the stage. We share a genuine passion for this story and want to create thoughtful, beautiful art. Beginning this summer of 2020, we are offering ONLINE MODERN CLASS in Zoom. Join us to experience our combined expression of music and dance. We are looking forward to sharing time and space with you soon. We'll be posting videos, rehearsal footage, project updates, original art, fundraiser info, and more.....